Monday, 25 June 2018

Sri Lanka Drums Loops (Geta Bera,Yak Bera,Udakki,Tammatama,Dawula Samples)

Sri Lanka Drums Loops (Geta Bera,Yak Bera,Udakki,Tammatama,Dawula Samples)

Geta Beraya

Geta Beraya

This hill country drum is called the Geta Beraya (a drum with a knot) according to its shape. This is the main drum used to accompany dance sequences in all Kandyan rituals. The two faces of the drum are described as ‘left’ and ‘right’.
The right side is covered with the hide of a monkey or monitor lizard and the left side is covered with cattle hide, which is used to provide a finer sound. Since the drum is usually played at open air venues, the sound carries quite a distance. This drum is turned out of wood from Ehela, Jak, Kohomba and Milla trees. Various parts of the drum have separate names and is played by tying around the waist.

Yak Beraya

Yak Beraya
This low-country drum is also called the Ruhunu Beraya, Yak Beraya or the Goshaka Beraya. It is 
used in the southern coastal areas known as the Pahatha Rata’. The Yak Beraya is the main drum 
used to accompany dance sequences in this region of Sri Lanka. This cylindrical drum is covered 
with the stomach lining of cattle and turned out of wood from Kitul, Coconut, Kohomba, Ehela and 
Milla trees. The drummer plays the instrument by hand whilst tied around the waist. Some players decorate the trunks of their drums with various motifs or fix stainless steel bars around the body.


The Thammattama consists of two separate pieces. It is called the Pokuru Beraya and is also referred to as the cluster of drums. This twinset of drums are of different sizes. As this is a twinset, it is termed `Ubhayatala’. The top side is covered with cattle hide and the body turned out of wood from Milla, Kohomba, Jak and Ehela trees. The left side produces low pitched tones while the right produces high pitched tones. These drums are played with two special sticks fashioned out of Kirindi. The Thammattama is an essential instrument during religious services at Buddhist temples and shrines.


The Daula is the main musical instrument utilized for the rituals of the Sabaragamuwa tradition of dancing. It is an essential instrument in the Buddhist ceremonies and Hevisi performances. The Daula is used in the religious services (theva) of Buddhist shrines and in religious processions. The drum is 15 inches in length and has an approximate face diameter of about 16 inches. The body of the Daula is painted in colours and in the hill country these decorations are known as `mevara kireema’. In this exercise, ancient motifs are usually painted on the instrument. Both faces of the drum are covered with cattle or goat hide. One face of the Daula is played with a stick known as a Kadippu, and the other by hand.


The Udekkiya is a very handy drum predominantly used during Kandyan rituals and folk dances. It is played with one hand while handling and controlling the sound by pressure applied on the string and Sawarama with the other. Various types of wood such as Handun, Jak, Ehela, Gansuriya and Kohomba trees along with metals like silver and brass are used to carve and construct the drums. Wooden structures are gaily decorated with lacquer work. The drum faces are covered with goat, monkey or monitor lizard hide. The length of an Udekki is about 11 inches. The middle is thin and named `giriya’ or `gela’ which means neck in Sinhalese. The face called “Valayama” is not used to produce sound in this drum.

Download Sri Lankan Drums Samples Free

Sample List

  • Geta Bera Samples Download
  • Yak Bera Samples Download
  • Dawula Samples Download
  • Udakki Samples Download
  • Tammatam Samples Download